The Adult Confirmation (AC) program is intended for adults who are already Catholic but never received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It begins with an initial discussion between you and a team member so that we can understand where you are on your journey, and then we meet for weekly sessions on Wednesday nights that cover the basics of the Catholic faith.
The AC process consists of 10-11 sessions to prepare adult Catholics who have been Baptized and have received First Communion. The sessions are scheduled as 10 of the 20 sessions in the Adult Christian Initiation Program, but Candidates are encouraged to attend all of the sessions. The required sessions are the ones with an asterisk on the Christian Initiation Schedule.
AC climaxes with the bishop administering the Sacrament of Confirmation at a special Mass at a nearby parish on either Pentecost (after Easter) or on The Baptism of the Lord (in January). The Fall and Spring semesters repeat the same sessions so that you can begin any time.
We invite parishioners to be open to serving as sponsors for our Confirmation candidates. We also welcome practicing Catholic adults who might be interested in becoming core team members.